September 6, 2023, News Release

El Paso, TX: Irene Armendariz-Jackson, resident of City District 3, has assembled a team of more than 35 volunteers who are absolutely committed to recalling City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez from office.

The group will host a press conference and take questions from the media in front of City Hall at 300 N. Campbell Street this Friday at 10:00am, moments before they file their Notice of Intent with the City Clerk. Once this is filed, the team will have 60 days to gather 4,884 signatures of District 3 registered voters, which is 20% of the number of voters who cast ballots for the District 3 race of November 3, 2020.

Rep. Hernandez has repeatedly voted to increase the City property tax, negatively impacting homeowners and businesses. She has voted for hundreds of millions in debt without voter authorization. She has consistently made decisions that harm the financial interests of her constituents and the taxpayers at large.

In addition, the Ethics Review Commission presented Hernandez with a Letter of Reprimand for abusing her taxpayer-funded fuel card. She purchased 1,944 gallons of gas in 2022 alone and repeatedly lent her card to her husband to fuel a second vehicle. The Letter concludes she used her position “to secure unwarranted privileges for [herself], relatives or others” and that the misuse was “intentional.”

According to Armendariz-Jackson, “far from showing any remorse, Hernandez is defiant and refuses to accept any responsibility for her wrongdoing. She even talks back to the members of the Ethics Commission who investigated her, and her husband filed a bar complaint against its Chair, attorney Casey Williams, right after her Reprimand.”

District 3 residents cannot afford Cassandra Hernandez and should no longer have to put up with a representative who raised their property tax again and again, and is unethical to the core.

It is time to recall her from office!

Armendariz-Jackson’s team is determined to acquire the necessary signatures and submit them to the City Clerk by the October 7 deadline. Volunteers may join her effort by writing to