Today at 10:00am in front of City Hall, Irene Armendariz-Jackson appeared with 16 of her 42 unpaid volunteers, announced their non-partisan effort to recall City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, and then filed their Notice of Intent with City Clerk Laura Prine.

The team will have 60 calendar days, until November 7, to gather 4,884 signatures from registered District 3 voters. They begin block walking today.

For the record, Armendariz-Jackson is not planning to run for District 3 once Hernandez is recalled, but we can tell you there are at least two excellent candidates who are ready to throw in their hat once the petition is verified.

All six local television networks were present at the press conference, which was held in both English and Spanish, along with the El Paso Times and other print media.

Armendariz-Jackson declared that “We live in a city where 26% of the children go to bed hungry, so how dare Cassandra, her husband, and everybody else that used her gas card steal from the citizens of El Paso? […] This is a complete travesty and a complete abuse of power.”

She goes on to claim, correctly, that Hernandez has cost the taxpayers more than $1 billion.

If one adds up the hundreds of millions in non-voter-approved debt she voted for, her six tax hikes, the cost overruns on QOL bond projects, and the corporate welfare for her elite investor friends, she has definitely cost us well over $1 billion, and probably closer to $1.5 billion.

Unlike the failed petition of Deborah Paz, who falsely claimed she would recall Rep. Joe Molinar from office, the present project to recall Cassandra is well organized, with a brilliant strategy and dozens of very determined volunteers.

Make no mistake about it.

Hernandez will be unseated in short order!

You can watch the press conference and the filing of the Notice of Intent in English at the El Paso Taxpayer Revolt.

KFOX14/CBS4 has already published a report. There will also be television reports from KVIA, Univision, and Telemundo. Look also for reports from the print media, including from Adam Powell of the El Paso Times.

If you want to join the all-volunteer effort to RECALL CASSANDRA, write to

Have a marvelous day.