We live in a city that owes $2,134,552,267 in principal and interest on 10 certificates of obligation and 16 general obligation bonds, not including the $96,000,000 CO authorized on August 24, 2021. See p. 78 of the FY 2022 budget book.

As El Pasoans we should be very concerned about high taxation and deficit spending by our taxing entities, especially our City, which now consumes 29% of our property tax revenue (up from 25% only a few years ago).

Libertarians believe in fiscal discipline, government restraint, and maximum liberty for the individual. These are core American principles, and so I always pay attention when the El Paso County Libertarian Party endorses candidates for City office. For the upcoming election they endorse:

Brian Kennedy for District 1

Richard Genera for District 5

Art Fierro for District 6

Rich Wright for District

These are candidates who, if elected to City office, will oppose high taxes, CO issuances, wasteful projects, and the private agendas of the wealthy

They are up against the Oligarchy candidates, who stand for property tax hikes, deficit spending, TIRZes and other corporate welfare, insolvent trolleys and water parks, ball parks and arenas, and whatever else their moneyed political contributors insist we pay for

The Libertarian Party also recommends voting “no” on all three bond propositions because streets, parks and climate change should be covered by our General Fund. Our City should cut non-essential spending before asking us to borrow money for these things

In the words of Dave Marino, Chair of the El Paso County Libertarian Party, “Quality of Life is putting money back in the pockets of El Pasoans, not raising our property taxes.

Enjoy your Sunday.