KFOX14 announced their 10 most viewed online stories of 2023, which says a lot about the deplorable state of local television news in general:

Of these ten stories, four report crimes, four describe tragic accidents, one tells about a Tik-tok video, and one announces the demolition of the former residence of a retired detective.

None of these stories are investigative reports. They are completely forgettable and do nothing to improve the awareness or preparedness of El Paso voters.

As far as we can tell, KVIA is the only local television station that still publishes investigative reports, although much less in recent months.

KFOX14, Univision and Telemundo, and especially KTSM need to hire better-trained reporters who do more than uncritically repeat government press releases, announce the latest crimes and car accidents, and provide meaningless commentary during annual parades.

PHOTO: One of the hundreds of KFOX14 accident reports published online.