Four days ago Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, who was reprimanded for abusing her gas card privilege and is now facing a determined effort to recall her from office, posted on her Instagram a dishonest, gratuitous summation of her achievements on City Council. (see attached)

She writes, “As my term comes to a close next January, I reflect on the achievements made in defending our democracy, responsibly addressing the global pandemic, safeguarding our vulnerable communities and groups, and pushing for fair wages and affordable housing opportunities.”

Defending our democracy?

Such as using her position to attack and undermine her critics and sending her husband to disbar the Chair of the Ethics Review Commission that investigated her for theft?

Safeguarding our communities?

Such as displacing 39 vulnerable residents from Duranguito so that she can demolish their neighborhood for an arena for the benefit of her political supporters?

Pushing for fair wages and affordable housing opportunities?

Such as supporting Tommy Gonzalez and his outrageous salary and benefits and giving her developer friends a free pass to ravage and destroy historic neighborhoods?

Her post lists 12 policy positions that she apparently feels are her legacy:

-Sponsored & voted to protect LGBTQIA+ rights

-Championed Climate Action Office & study

-Supported & voted for human rights

-Voted to support migrant welcoming shelter

-Voted to implement/fund a municipal ID program

-Voted to protect women’s rights

-Voted for the creation of a women’s commission

-Voted to support COVID-19 vaccination/mandates/contact tracing

-Voted to support affordable housing

-Voted to improve parks and neighborhoods

-Voted to increase city emp. wage to $15 per hour

-Voted to support disability rights & funded priorities


Hernandez desperately wants to distract El Pasoans from her horrific voting record and unethical conduct by projecting herself as a progressive Democrat in the guise of Beto/Escobar.  To that effect, she brags about the ways in which she spends our tax money on her pet projects and about her virtue-signaling votes on a galaxy of issues that are unrelated her to job.

Here are her actions that actually matter to voters:

-Voted to increase our property tax six years in a row

-Publicly urged the CAD to increase our property valuations

-Voted for hundreds of millions in non-voter-approved debt

-Voted to expend CO funds for QOL bond project overruns

-Voted for the Great Wolf Lodge boondoggle and land swap

-Voted for TIRZ 13, the biggest corporate handout in El Paso history

-Supported demolishing Duranguito for a $500M+ arena

-Promoted the $413M bloated Public Safety Bond

-Promoted the $273M Community Progress Bond

-Voted for failed 380 agreements with developers

-Is now promoting a new QOL bond and more debt

On top of all that, Cassandra was reprimanded for stealing gasoline from the taxpayers of El Paso and is now facing a major recall campaign.

We have said it before and will say it again.

El Paso cannot afford City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez!