Yesterday we reported that Rep. Kennedy, Rep. Molinar, Rep. Fierro, and Mayor Leeser each made an iron-clad commitment to vote against any City budget that would increase our property tax.

We just learned that Rep. Isabel Salcido made the same commitment in a written statement, meaning that at least four City Council representatives, plus the Mayor, will not vote to exceed the no-new-revenue tax rate.

Thus, after eight City property tax increases in a row, there should be no increase in FY 2024.


But let us remember that Salcido voted to raise our property tax in 2019, 2020 and 2021, and that she only opposed a tax hike in 2022 at the very last moment of the budgetary process.

During her time on City Council, she also voted for $389,000,000 in certificates of obligation, the Great Wolf Lodge debacle, TIRZ 13, and many other wasteful initiatives; and she supported the odious Arena project, which would have cost over $500,000,000 if the City’s original plan had been executed

At this point, Salcido must understand that receiving large campaign contributions is not enough to have a successful political career. One must also stand with the taxpayers, and that means opposing deficit spending, wasteful capital projects, and corporate welfare.

Remember what happened to Dee Margo during his bid for reelection after he failed to keep his promise to “hold the line on taxes.”

Look at what happened to his friends who ran for office in the last election cycle!

All that said, Salcido’s position against increasing our City property tax is most welcome and I am glad to see her reversal on this issue.

We will watch her very closely and hold her to her word.