Our City Council and staff are in budgetary discussions in preparation for the vote next month to set the City property tax rate.

Our property tax has increased every year since Tommy Gonzalez became City Manager in 2014, for eight years in a row.

Today we spoke to Reps. Kennedy, Molinar, and Fierro and they all told us that they will vote against any budget that includes a property tax increase, no matter what.

In addition, Mayor Leeser publicly stated his opposition to a tax increase in very strong terms today.

Thus, at least one more vote will be required to prevent an increase in our City tax, since the Mayor would vote to break the tie in the event of a 4-4 split.

Will any of the other five reps join Kennedy, Molinar, and Fierro and stand with the taxpayers, who are sick to death of deficit spending and confiscatory taxation?

The Texas legislature just agreed on a plan to implement the largest property tax cut in the history of our state.

Our City should, at a minimum, not raise our tax for FY 2024.

Better yet, it should seek efficiencies, cut spending, and decrease our property tax!

Interim City Manager Westin has shown a willingness to take direction from our friends on City Council and investigate the possibility of staying below the no-new-revenue tax rate.

Please write an email to City Reps. Annello, Hernandez, Salcido, Rivera, and Canales and request that they join with Reps. Kennedy, Molinar, and Fierro to oppose any tax increase:

district2@elpasotexas.gov; district3@elpasotexas.gov; district5@elpasotexas.gov; district7@elpasotexas.gov; district8@elpasotexas.gov

Have a fabulous afternoon.