Speedy’s Mexican Food is a well-known family establishment at 401 Talbot Ave. in Canutillo.
According to Tony Gutierrez of KVIA, the owners placed a sign outside their place of business urging Canutillo ISD residents to vote “no” on the $386 million school bond that will appear on the ballot May 4.
The District is facing a $6 million budget shortfall because of the incompetence of the Board of Trustees, which voted for employee salary increases even though the money is not there. For this reason and others, there are voters in Canutillo who do not trust the District to manage a $386 million bond.
Armando Rodriguez, President of the Board of Trustees of Canutillo ISD, placed a sign across the street from Speedy’s that reads “Speedy’s does NOT support Canutillo students and teachers! Canutillo: Don’t support Speedy’s! VOTE YES! Save our Teachers! Save our Schools!”
You cannot make this up.
An elected Trustee is attacking the owners of a private business for exercising their free speech rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Rodriguez is advocating for a boycott of a private business because its owners publicly oppose a bond proposition.

On the back of the sign are the words “Paid for by Mando,” which do not meet the legal standard for campaign disclosures.
In fact, school board watchdog Sammy Carrejo filed a complaint with the Texas Ethics Commission on April 1 and the Commission informed Rodriguez two days later that he has 10 days to respond to the allegations. We have received copies of the TEC complaint and Carrejo’s signed affidavit.
Rodriguez’s sign suggests that voting for the bond will “save” teachers when in fact bond funds cannot be expended for salaries.
The voters have rejected the last two Canutillo ISD bond propositions and we suspect they will reject this one as well.
Rodriguez should resign immediately to help restore credibility to his Board and everyone in El Paso should go to Speedy’s Mexican Food for a delicious meal!