Yesterday the City Ethics Review Commission discussed George Zavala’s complaint against City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, who cynically denounced the “incredibly flawed administrative review” by the Chief Internal Auditor and declared her intention to “categorically refute” the allegations.

You can watch Hernandez’s opening statement starting at the 2:21 mark in this YouTube video and her evasive defense of her indefensible conduct.

Her arguments aside, there is one fact that is crystal clear.

Cassandra Hernandez is a liar.

She told KVIA and other media that she was the only one who uses her gas card.

That was before video footage of her husband pumping gas into his car and other evidence were aired publicly by KVIA and other news outlets. This prompted Hernandez to tell the media that she “cannot authenticate” the videos, as if she could not recognize her husband!

More recently, Hernandez’s attorney issued a statement on behalf of his client attempting to justify why she shared her gas card with her husband Jeremy Jordan.

What happened to “I can confidently say I am the only one who uses it”?

This is the same City rep who accused the Chief Internal Auditor and members of the Finance Oversight and Audit Committee of professional misconduct, sexism, and racism.

Isn’t she special?

Yesterday several citizens, myself included, appeared in person or called in during public comment to urge that Hernandez be removed from office.

Not a single person was there to defend her except for her attorney.

During the proceedings, Hernandez put on display the full range of her arrogance and intransigence, and she was grilled repeatedly by the Commission Chair and his colleagues.

She actually argued that the 1,944 gallons of gasoline that was purchased with her card in 2022 was spent for City business, as if she drove over 35,000 miles attending City Council meetings, traveling to her office, attending events, and visiting constituents.

It was painful to watch her go through such extreme rhetorical acrobatics.

Much of her defense was technical, focusing on whether the statutes she allegedly violated even apply to her.

At one point, Commissioner Momsen asked Hernandez point blank if she authorized anyone other than her husband to use her gas card. Hernandez replied that she can’t remember, even though the card was used twice while she and her husband were in Vancouver!


The hearing is scheduled to continue at 5:30pm this evening at the same location: the main conference room on the second floor of City Hall at 300 N. Campbell St.

You may view the agenda here.

Enjoy the show.