Recently a new local PAC called “Women’s Voices for Political Reform” sent the attached media alert to City Council announcing they will initiate a recall petition against an unnamed member of City Council, and proclaim the name of their target on July 5.

The media completely ignored the announcement because (1) it’s an announcement of a pending announcement, and (2) it’s a nothingburger of the lowest order.

But moments ago, Martin Paredes of El Paso News received confirmation from the PAC’s treasurer, Deborah Paz, that the petition will be aimed at Rep. Joe Molinar of District 4 .

According to her Linkedin page, Paz has been a Service Clerk at Walgreens since 2010, and since 2013 has also been a Freelance Writer at City Beat Magazine and a Community Organizer for Battleground Texas, a PAC whose objective is to turn Texas blue.

Rather than attempting to recall, say, Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, who is facing a criminal investigation from outside law enforcement and whose husband has been caught pumping gas into his personal vehicle using her City gas card, Paz’s group will instead target a distinguished U.S. Marine veteran who served as an El Paso Police officer for 28 years, including as a homicide investigator.

Molinar is an outstanding leader of District 4 and an extremely fine person, so why does he deserve to be recalled?

Among the reasons cited is “moral turpitude,” presumably because he asked a woman to dance not once, but twice, allegedly making her feel comfortable at a City luncheon.

Yes, that is the totality of the “evidence” corroborated by witnesses.

If the recall ever makes it onto a ballot, my guess is that it will be as successful as the effort to pass Proposition K.

Have a marvelous afternoon.


Photo of nothingburger courtesy of the Wall Street Journal.