City Rep. Brian Kennedy of District 1 has just announced that he is running for Mayor of El Paso and that Commissioner Iliana Holguin of Precinct 3, the most fiscally responsible member of the County Commissioners Court, 3 will be his campaign Treasurer!

Up until now, Renard Johnson was the “anointed” candidate, running on a platform of massive spending for capital improvement projects for the benefit of our local elites. He is essentially another Dee Margo but disguised as Beto O’Rourke and backed by Veronica Escobar and her minions.

Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, who in our opinion is the worst politician ever to hold local office, is also in the race. The other four candidates have no name recognition and little ability to raise the money required for a mayoral run.

But have no fear! Now the taxpayers of El Paso have a champion candidate who has a proven record of restraining spending, streamlining government, and uprooting corruption.

Unwilling to let another Dee Margo take the helm of our City, Kennedy declares on his campaign webpage “I don’t want a ringside seat at a train wreck. I want to make sure the train keeps rolling in the right direction.”

We absolutely 100% endorse Brian Kennedy for Mayor of El Paso!

Please donate to his campaign and write to him to offer your support!