In his report last night, Erik Elken discussed how inflation, lack of supply, and our rising property tax are making homes in El Paso less affordable.

He asked the City “if it will strive to adopt a no-new-revenue tax rate going forward” so that our future City tax burden will not increase. The City sent KVIA a lengthy reply that included the following:

“The City has been and will continue to be aggressive about lowering the impact to taxpayers while still providing a high quality of life and place to our community. This is why the Council approved the largest tax rate decrease in 35 years adopted in August.”

Here are some humble observations:

1.  The only way to lower the property tax “impact to taxpayers” is to lower the property tax. Duh!

2.  The only thing the City has been aggressive about is increasing our property tax, which has happened eight years in a row.

3.  There is nothing impressive about lowering our tax rate if it does not compensate for the increase in property valuations.

Only in the world of Tommy Gonzalez and his six sycophants on City Council would the City lie to our media.

Pardon my French, but I am sure I am not the only one who is sick and tired of the City’s bullshit.
