City ordinance 2.92.080(E) requires City representatives to disclose campaign donations of $500 or more on a City Council agenda within 30 days.

Rep. Cassandra Hernandez is running for Mayor and appointed a Campaign Treasurer on January 31.

Since that day, she has disclosed only $6,800 in campaign donations, which is barely enough to repay her last loan to herself, cited on the January 30 City Council agenda.

On the March 12 agenda, she reported $100 from Sid Searcy, $2,000 from Pablo Duran, and $500 from Francoise Feliberti.

On March 20, she hosted her big Campaign Kickoff & Fundraiser at Deadbeach Brewery, but her effort apparently ended up dead on the beach!

On the agenda for tomorrow, April 9, we see $500 from Norma and Ricardo Chavez, $1,000 from Manuel Moreno, $1,200 from Raquel Hernandez, $1,000 from Heidi Avedician, and $500 from Javier Camacho, all raised at her Campaign Kickoff & Fundraiser or shortly thereafter.

Thus, the total reported on the March 12 and April 9 agendas is $6,800.

Not even Steve Ortega, perhaps Cassandra’s biggest remaining supporter, gave her any money.

Granted, there may be a number of donations under $500 that Cassandra did not report because it was not required, so maybe Ortega gave her $25…

The point is that she assumed office nearly seven years ago, on June 27, 2017, but is totally unable to pull in any serious cash.

By contrast, her opponent Renard Johnson is raising hundreds of thousands of dollars, because it takes at least $500,000 to mount an effective mayoral campaign in El Paso.

Could Cassandra’s failure to raise even 2% of what she needs be a consequence of her many tax-and-spend votes and her reprimand for abusing her gas card privileges?


Sara Sanchez of El Paso Inc published a report over the weekend suggesting concern among some about the departure of Elizabeth Triggs, Tracey Jerome, and Sam Rodriguez.

Cassandra told Sanchez that more City employees are “planning to leave and retire, citing dysfunction, chaos and lack of leadership.”

She also blames the termination of Tommy Gonzalez.

She goes on to declare that “There’s not enough leadership,” as if the obvious solution is for her to become Mayor and rescue the City from her misguided colleagues…

It’s time to consult the Gassandra Clock, which tells us that we have to suffer Cassandra for another 273 days and 13 hours.

PHOTO CREDIT: KFOX14, 15 Jun 2023.