Dear Media and Friends,

After spending more than three hours in executive session, our City Council emerged and voted 8-0 to adopt the following two motions:

Item 8

“To direct the City Manager or designee to hire a consultant such as architects, urban designers, engineers, and to include studies such as an economic impact analysis and programming operations and execute all contracts and amendments to develop the following information: Project concept; partnership opportunity guidelines including public-private partnership specifications; and financial model to include estimate of capital costs and operating costs which is in compliance with all court rulings and legal decisions, to incorporate preservation of historic buildings and to preserve historic character and to direct staff to come back to Council with recommendations on how to safeguard damaged buildings and options for funding sources in ways to align with a temporary restraining order.”

EX 1

“That the City Manager and the City Attorney be authorized to engage in discussions to identify various options for a resolution of the ongoing litigation included but not limited to the lawsuit entitled Max Grossman vs. City of El Paso, 8th Court of Appeals, Case #08-19-00272-CV, Matter No. 17-1001-171.001.001.”

I look forward to entering into good-faith discussions with the City of El Paso aimed at finding a solution that will preserve the buildings within the “Arena Footprint.”

In the spirit of the upcoming discussions, I will have no further comment for the media going forward.

Max Grossman