Dear Media and Friends,

Commissioner David Stout of Precinct 2 has led the effort in the County Commissioners Court to establish both the Segundo Barrio National Register Historic District and the Downtown National Register Historic District.

Thanks in large part to his steadfast determination and absolute commitment to historic preservation, the project for the Segundo Barrio is now a reality.

On behalf of the many people involved in this effort, I want to express my heartfelt thanks to Commissioner Stout for his years of advocacy on behalf of this excellent cause.

I have attached his press release.

There will be no press conference today, but there may be one early next week. More on that soon.

Have a great weekend!


Max Grossman, PhD

Associate Professor of Art History, UTEP

Board of Directors, Preservation Texas

Vice-Chair. The Trost Society

Co-Chair, Restore Sacred Heart Church