As you know, we believe that Judy Gutierrez was the best candidate for City District 2, but she was eliminated in the December 9 election since she won only 24.29% of the vote, compared to 35.65% for Joshua Acevedo and 35.92% for Veronica Carbajal.

The job of City Representative requires managing a $1.3 billion budget and more than 6,000 employees.

It requires standing with the taxpayers against increasing taxation, deficit spending, and political corruption.

We have no doubt that Acevedo and Carbajal are well-meaning people who care about our community, but they are also political progressives who stand far left of center on the issues El Pasoans care about most.

Acevedo has worked as an aide to County Commissioner David Stout and is now a member of the Board of Trustees of EPISD, which is a financial basket case.

Carbajal is an experienced attorney and long-time political activist who voted for $400 million of non-voter-approved debt when on the UMC Board or Managers and has used her campaign Instagram page to criticize Israel, as if that has anything to do with City District 2.

Early voting for the runoff election between these two candidates continues until January 16, with election day on January 20.

We cannot endorse either of them but encourage every registered voter in District 2 to vote.