El Paso County is on an unprecedented spending binge, so we desperately need a Libertarian on the County Commissioners Court to help right the ship!
Ryan Woodcraft is a retired Army Chief Warrant Officer who was deployed in combat four times and served his country honorably for 21 years. He is now a network engineer and father of two, and he serves on the City’s Ethics Review Commission and Bond Oversight Advisory Committee.
The El Paso Taxpayer Revolt gives its strongest possible endorsement to Woodcraft without reservation.
The public and media are invited to his CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF this Thursday, November 2 at 5:30-7:30pm at the Engine 3 Brewing Company at 3112 Forney Lane.
Ryan’s campaign platform focuses on fiscal discipline:
- He will never raise our taxes and will seek ways to lower them.
- He will never vote for a certificate of obligation or tax anticipation note.
- He will fight to improve the economic climate for families and businesses.
In his own words:
“For far too long, the residents of El Paso County have borne the brunt of one of the highest tax rates in the entire nation and an unsustainable level of non-voter-approved debt. Endless rising taxes have caused our population to stagnate and stand in the way of business and economic opportunity. If we truly want El Pasoans to thrive, we must put money back in their pockets, not the pockets of government bureaucrats with private agendas.
Sound fiscal management also means issuing debt only when it is truly necessary. Lately the County has supported the issuance of large bonds without voter approval, to support “quality of life” projects that would best be supported by the private sector. This puts upward pressure on the County tax rate which deprives El Paso families of their hard-earned income.
The County Commissioners Court has voted to increase their own salaries by 113% since 2016, calling into question their motives for serving the community versus their own financial interests.”
Ryan’s opponent is Democrat Jackie Arroyo Butler, who is the Chief Policy Advisor of outgoing County Commissioner Carlos Leon and is paid $102,315 to manage his office and… advise him.
There is no Republican running for this position, so every Republican should vote for Ryan!
Choosing between Woodcraft and Butler is the easiest decision since humans began walking upright.
We hope to see you at the Campaign Kick-Off this Thursday!