Martin Paredes of El Paso News just dropped a hydrogen bomb on the campaign of Renard Johnson, who is running for Mayor of El Paso and is the favored candidate of our local ruling class.

We recently learned that Renard’s brother Tim has been indicted for a $3 million Ponzi scheme and could face decades in prison if convicted.

Renard told KVIA that he has been “estranged” from his brother for “many years.”

But Paredes shows that Tim worked for Renard’s company METI during the entire period he allegedly ran his Ponzi scheme, from February 2009 through May 2020, since he served as Vice-President of METI from 1994 through May 2021!

Paredes shows that Tim still has an active corporate email address from METI to this very day.

Are we expected to believe that Renard Johnson had no knowledge of his brother’s illicit dealings during the many years they were working together, up until two years and 11 months ago?

Kudos to Paredes for breaking this story.