Carlos and Alicia Sierra of 1729 Lions Gate Lane sent the attached letter to Republicans in District 6 in support of reelecting Claudia Rodriguez.

They are the parents of Carlos Sierra, Jr., whom Claudia Rodriguez paid $3,933 on July 29 for campaign-related media services and who is a partner in the Fair Data political consulting group. Fair Data partners have been hired to provide support for the four major Oligarchy candidates for City Council as well as for the Community Progress Bond that recently passed.

The letter, which may or may not have been written by Mr. and Mrs. Sierra, was obviously crafted to target Republicans. Art Fierro is branded as a “liberal” and “woke” and as a “tax-and-spend career politician” who does not care about public safety.

As for the talking points, they came straight from the campaign of Claudia Rodriguez, who has repeatedly lied to her constituents about her voting record:

“She is a fiscal conservative who always fights for the taxpayers of District 6. She has never voted to raise our tax.”

The fact is she was inexplicably absent from the August 2020 vote to increase our property tax, and in August 2021 she actually voted to increase our property tax, violating her 2019 campaign promise! Rodriguez just sent out yet another mendacious mailer claiming yet again “Claudia has never voted to raise taxes.” (see attached)

“She was the only politician who spoke out against UMC’s ridiculous $400 million non-voter approved Certificates of Obligation proposal.”

Nope! Commissioners Iliana Holguin of Precinct 3 was adamantly against the CO debt issuance and Commissioner Stout of Precinct 2 also expressed serious reservations, very publicly and multiple times.

“She has consistently voted against raising our utility rates.”

On May 24, our City Council voted 5-1 to increase our electric rate and Rodriguez missed this vote in addition to the August 2020 vote to increase our property tax.

“She fought to cap City Manager Tommy Gonzalez’s salary since previous mayors and councils didn’t have the guts to do so.”

On May 23 Rodriguez voted to extend the contract of City Manager Gonzalez until June 22, 2029 without imposing a salary cap and only voted to impose one three months later, on August 23, because of pressure from her constituents. The truth is she has always fought hard for the City Manager and his agenda. Tommy Gonzalez has always been her steadfast ally.

I attached her most recent mailer and added a few edits and comments, as is my professorial habit.