Dear Friends,

Today’s City Council meeting starts at 3:30pm. Item 35 on the agenda calls for discussion and action on the City ordinance that purports to regulate National Register properties. This ordinance, which has never once been enforced, has stymied the County’s effort to establish a National Register historic district in Downtown that would make up to 174 properties eligible for generous federal and state historic tax credits. If the ordinance is not amended, it could also threaten the proposed Segundo Barrio National Register Historic District.


If you wish to speak in support of amending ordinance 20.20.080(A)1 so as to delete the language regulating National Register properties, please go to this signup page and fill in the required information, indicating today’s meeting date and agenda item 35. You will then be emailed call-in instructions for when the agenda item comes up. It is hard to estimate when that will be, but probably sometime between 5:30 and 10:00pm.

You can follow the meeting via the City’s website or on YouTube:

For background, see my previous emails below.

Enjoy your afternoon,
