Dear Friends,

KFOX14 updated its report on the Mayor’s violations of his own directive and uploaded a video link to yesterday’s 5:00pm report.

The Mayor is now on the record:

“I did not violate the re-open order because it doesn’t not explicitly say that it’s limited to members of the same household. Dr. Orcaranza has strongly recommended that because he is being as protective as possible. I went with my wife to support a local restaurant as we are allowed to do. Adair and I wore masks walking in and we wore masks walking out. Obviously you don’t wear masks when you’re eating. As for the others in the photo, they were not part of our group and had merely walked up to say thanks for the work you’re doing.”

And so our four City reps:

Cassandra Hernandez:

“I’m not surprised that Mayor Dee Margo is not leading by example and his action is a hallmark of his administration. Mayor Margo puts El Paso essential workers, many who are minorities, at risk with his negligent actions. What stands out to me in this photo, is that the hospitality employee has been put at risk by our very own Mayor who is sending mixed messages to the public. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top expert on infectious diseases, stated minority communities, such as El Paso, have been disproportionately impacted and based on our underlying health and socio-economic conditions of our population, El Paso is a high risk community. My message to El Pasoans, is to continue to remain diligent to protect your families and to stay home.”Claudia Rodriguez:

“As the city’s highest elected official, it is important to lead by example. If the Mayor truly believes that these strict guidelines of wearing face masks and social distancing will keep the community of El Paso safe, then he should practice what he is asking of El Pasoans to do.”

Alexsandra Annello:

“I was disappointed to see Mayor Margo dining out with a number of people during this pandemic. Despite the state orders that allow the public to dine out with two people outside of our household, the city, including the mayor, have encouraged all El Pasoans not to do that. Further, the governor Abbott was caught on tape saying the reopening of the state would result in more deaths. Margo should be leading by example and his number one priority should be the safety of the community he represents. We are facing a serious and deadly virus across the globe and the best measure we can take to stay safe and healthy is to continue to social distance and stay in our homes.”

From Peter Svarzbein’s statement, it is clear he either did not see the photos or chose to ignore them, so I am omitting it.
