This is from a mailer recently sent out by the El Paso Progress PAC to voters in City District 2. The PAC is unconnected to Gutierrez’s campaign and anyone can look up the identities of the donors.
We absolutely endorse Gutierrez for the job, since she is the most fiscally conservative of the four candidates.
She has pledged to never raise our taxes or issue debt without voter authorization and has promised to reject her salary if elected.
The reverse side of the mailer features progressive candidate Veronica Carbajal.
Yes, while on the UMC Board of Managers, Carbajal voted to issue $400M in certificates of obligation without voter approval. The initiative was shot down in flames by citizen petition. To be clear, she voted for debt, not a tax increase, although the issuance would have certainly increased taxes had it passed.
She then supported Proposition K, which would have imposed disastrous climate regulations on El Paso businesses and cost our community thousands of jobs.
Most recently, she shared a post on her campaign Instagram page stating: “If you pay taxes, your money is funding genocide happening in Gaza right now. It’s time to offset that sh*t. Donate to emergency aid for Palestine.”
At the El Paso Taxpayer Revolt, we are fierce opponents of non-voter-approved debt, ruinous climate regulations, and aspiring politicians who accuse Israelis of “genocide” as they fight for their own survival against a terrorist regime.

Early voting in this Special Election began yesterday and will continue through December 5.
Election Day is December 9.