Today we were treated to a double feature of back-to-back horror films, and we are not talking about the Exorcist and Friday the 13th.

This morning Ramon Bracamontes of El Paso Matters published a report on mayoral candidate Cassandra Hernandez, and that was followed this afternoon by the Hispanic Chamber’s Facebook Live with Claudia Lizette Rodriguez, who is a candidate for County Precinct 1.

Both politicians were reprimanded by the City Ethics Review Commission for serious ethical lapses.

Both voted to raise our taxes and then denied it.

Both are running again for political office because they believe they can fool us.


According to Bracamontes, Hernandez is “undaunted and confident” that voters will overlook her malfeasance. He reminds us “she was reprimanded by the city’s Ethics Review Commission for misusing a city gas card, criticized for voting to extend the former city manager’s contract, and questioned for voting to increase property taxes.”

Hernandez lashes out against her critics, calling them “bad actors in the community” and mocking them for increasing her name recognition.

Genghis Kahn had name recognition, too, but that does not mean he could have won an election.

Her insistence that her City gas card was used to fuel two cars because she has a large family and needed two vehicles to get around town had us keeled over in laughter for 15 minutes.


Desirae Manzanares soft-peddled her interview with Rodriguez for the Hispanic Chamber and censored questions from her viewers that she deemed to be rude.

At one point, Rodriguez attempted to explain her delinquent actions while on City Council. Defiant to the last, she dismissed public criticism of her as a “witch hunt” and “political hit job.”

At the 7:50 mark, she claimed she never received the Letter of Reprimand issued to her by the City on November 20, so we attached it below for her convenience.

One viewer pointed out that Rodriguez failed to file her 30-day campaign finance report by the February 5 deadline, to which she responded (dishonestly) that it is not due until February 11.

Her statement should surprise no one since she was fined $1,000 by the Texas Ethics Commission last February 17 for multiple campaign finance violations (also attached below, in case she forgot).

Of course, the media haven’t noticed.

We feel certain that we can look forward to more double features from Hernandez and Rodriguez, so bring your popcorn and a six-pack.