The media have been focusing like a laser on the merit raises of City Manager Gonzalez and City Attorney Nieman.

Now Anthony Jackson of the El Paso Times has published a report

“Gonzalez and Nieman are among the highest earners in El Paso’s city government, whereas the median income of El Pasoans is less than $25,000 per year and below the national median by more than $7,000, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.

Gonzalez’s salary increase puts him $1,599 shy of making as much as the president of the United States, who draws a salary of $400,000 a year. When compared to leaders of larger cities, Gonzalez leaves behind the mayors of Chicago and New York City.

New York City, with a population of more than 8.4 million people, pays its current mayor, Bill de Blasio, almost $260,000. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot reportedly earns $261,210 a year.”

Under the subheading “City withholds documents with individual ratings,” Jackson explains how “In the past, the city of El Paso has released documents showing the ratings by the mayor and City Council representatives. This is the second year in a row that the city has withheld these documents.”

The media needs to organize its Press Club and publicly complain about the City’s stonewalling and evasive maneuvers.

Enjoy your evening,
