City Rep. Claudia Lizette Rodriguez of District 6, the Oligarchy incumbent running against Art Fierro to keep her seat, filed a campaign finance report that potentially violates State law on multiple counts.

Victoria Rossi of El Paso Matter published a report showing that Rodriguez omitted donors’ addresses and contribution dates from her latest campaign finance disclosure and in some instances wrongly providing District 6 zip codes. (See attached) Moreover, she failed to provide complete information about her expenditures, omitting vendors’ names and addresses.

When questioned by Rossi about the issue of transparency, Rodriguez defended herself as follows:

“We’re living in a very intense, very hot political climate right now,” adding that she had withheld addresses “for the most part to protect my donors.” She continued: “Whatever my constituents decided to donate to me is very much appreciated, and I don’t feel that their address is relevant or necessary to publish for the world to see. […] I think that their name and their donation amount is [sufficient].”

Come again? Talk about self-incrimination!

The Texas Election Code stipulates that it is a Class C misdemeanor to file incomplete campaign finance reports, with civil penalties of up to $5,000 (Sec. 571.173).

Who are the individuals that Rodriguez wants to “protect”?

The contributors listed on her form without addresses or zip codes include powerful developers and entrepreneurs from the Upper Vallery and Coronado, far from District 6.

Any questions?