Dear Friends,

This Saturday the State Board of Review of the Texas Historical Commission will take up the nomination of Downtown El Paso to the National Register of Historical Places.

If the new historic district is approved, up to 195 properties will be eligible for federal and state tax credits that can pay for up to 45% of renovation costs. The proposed district does not come with any regulations for property owners who do not wish to take advantage of the tax credits. It has the potential to generate many millions of dollars of new investment in our historic building stock, improve the appearance of our downtown, generate jobs, and increase tourism.

There is no downside whatsoever.

Please consider sending an email of support to Judy George-Garza, who is the THC Program Specialist for Federal Programs:

Also, please consider writing to Mayor Leeser to ask that he send his own letter of support to the THC:

Many thanks,


Max Grossman, PhD

Board of Directors, Preservation Texas

Vice-Chair, The Trost Society

Co-Chair, Restore Sacred Heart Church