Yesterday House Rep. Veronica Escobar was among 119 federal lawmakers to vote against H.R. 5961, which prevents Iran from receiving $6 billion held in South Korea that had been unfrozen by the U.S. in a prisoner swap.

The bipartisan measure passed 307-119 anyway, with Escobar joining House Rep. Rashida Tlaib and 116 other Democrats plus one Republican in opposition.

On October 17, only tens days after the Hamas attack on Israel, Escobar–very controversially–was one of seven US representatives calling for “an immediate ceasefire, or at minimum, a temporary cessation of all hostilities.”

On November 7, Escobar voted NAY on House Resolution 845, “Censuring Representative Rashida Tlaib for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.”

Well, as far as Iran and its proxies are concerned, no one can accuse Escobar of being inconsistent!

The question before us now is why would we permit a trade of $6 billion for five hostages? It will only incentivize our enemies to kidnap more Americans if they are worth $1.2 billion each! Many Democrats joined the Republicans on this one, but not Escobar.