The runoff election for three City District seats is tomorrow. The future direction of our City Council depends upon our votes.
Please support Brian Kennedy for District 1, Art Fierro for District 6, and Chris Canales for District 8.
All three oppose raising taxes, issuing non-voter-approved debt, handing the City Manager blank checks, and building an arena in Duranguito. They are honest and focused and will work hard for the taxpayers of El Paso. Above all, they are kindhearted, generous people who truly care about our community.
Their opponents are in the pockets of the westside Oligarchs, who provided nearly all of their campaign funding. Silverstein and Olivares are quite honest about their tax-and-spend agenda, their desire to obliterate Duranguito, and their unqualified support for the City Manager. By contrast, Rodriguez voted to increase our property tax, expend CO funds on 22 projects, and was for extending the City Manager’s contract without a salary cap before she wanted to cap it, and she has lied about all of this repeatedly.
The choices are so easy that even a gerbil would know how to vote tomorrow!