Yesterday Stewart Doreen of the Midland Reporter-Telegram reported that the Midland City Council voted 7-0 to hire Tommy Gonzalez as their next City Manager, beginning July 31.

According to Doreen, “Midlanders speaking against the hiring of Gonzalez stated worries about the potential mistake city leaders were making, the controversies and legal issues they said have followed Gonzalez from one job to another and debt issues El Paso is having following his time there.”

For a recent review of Gonzalez’s past employment history, we refer you to El Paso News.

Doreen also published a report on Gonzalez’s base salary of $350,000, which is 39% more than his predecessor.

Among the perks in his new contract, he will receive a $9,000 annual car allowance, reimbursement for “reasonable moving expenses,” up to $7,500 for temporary housing expenses, $7,500 for an annual physical exam with the doctor of his choice, medical and life insurance, and reimbursement for business expenses of a “job-related nature.”

The Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS) plan adopted by Midland requires a contribution of 7% of salary for a 2-1 match, meaning Gonzalez could contribute $24,500 per month but receive an additional $49,000 in pension benefits. He would be vested in only five years, and he would receive up to 60 months from TMRS toward his retirement because of his prior military service.

In total, Gonzalez will receive well over $400,000 in retirement and benefits from a City that has a population of only 131,000, which is less than 20% of El Paso’s population.

There is a specific provision in his contract that allows him to earn additional compensation as a consultant, outside his City job.

Midland must feel they are lucky to have him.

We are sure that is how the City Council of El Paso felt when they hired him in 2014.

Hat tip to Arthur Adjemian for directing us to Gonzalez’s new contract.