City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, who was reprimanded July 24 for stealing City gasoline and robbing the taxpayers, just published a guest column in the El Paso Times touting $8.4 million worth of infrastructure improvements to Buffalo Soldier Road.

We could comment at length on her gratuitous effort to take as much credit as possible for this public expenditure.

We could also respond to her claim that the project “represents a step forward in lessening the financial burden on our local taxpayers,” as if she ever cared about the plight of the taxpayers.

No, what interests us here is the title of her essay: “Building Future on Foundation of History.”

In her text, she highlights the importance of “honoring our history” and cites “El Paso’s resolve to build upon its history, creating a legacy for future generations.”

She states that the story of the Buffalo Soldiers, which is indeed inspiring, “should guide us in making El Paso a place where history is not just remembered but actively shapes our community.”

For her, Buffalo Soldier Road “reminds us of our responsibility to celebrate all aspects of our history, particularly those previously overlooked.”


We suffered terrible nausea while wading through this virtue-signaling baloney.

Cassandra Hernandez is a cynical bought-and-sold politician who was the most fanatical supporter of demolishing Duranguito, a historic Hispanic barrio and the birthplace of El Paso, for a multipurpose basketball arena, complete with eminent domain and displacement of low-income Hispanics.

If it had been built to its planned capacity of 15,000 seats, it would have cost more than a $500,000,000, nearly triple its budget, and raised our property tax sharply.

To our point, the loss to our historic built environment would have been incalculable.

We are primarily here to keep our politicians honest, but in the case of Hernandez, that would require a legion of committed journalists.

PHOTO CREDIT: KFOX14, 15 Jun 2023.