Dear Friends,

As I indicated below, the 2020 US Census shows that the population of Texas increased 15.9% between 2010 and 2020, while the population of the City of El Paso grew only 4.6%, from 649,121 to 678,815.

But according to the American Community Survey, the City of El Paso’s population peaked at 683,583 in 2017 and then declined.

Thus, our City lost about 4,768 inhabitants in only three years, between 2017 and 2020, the first and only decline since the Great Depression.

You will not read about this in any media report.

However, Bob Moore of El Paso Matters recently listed the 12 cities where El Pasoans moved in the largest numbers in 2019 and 2020.

Analyzing data from CBRE, one of America’s largest commercial real estate firms, he shows that there was a net population outflow from El Paso to 11 of these 12 cities, for a total population loss of 2,916 in 2019 and 2020 alone!

Phoenix                          -706

Las Cruces                      -443

San Antonio                   -388

Killeen                             -345

Dallas-Fort Worth         -341

Colorado Springs          -267

Houston                         -227

Austin                             -213

Seattle                              -66

Denver                              -54

Albuquerque                   -16

San Diego                     +150

TOTAL                          -2,916

Moore points out that four destinations (San Antonio, Killeen, Colorado Springs and Seattle) have large military bases, and he seems to imply that the population outflow to those places may be explained by base-to-base transfers.

But in my mind, the primary reason El Pasoans are fleeing our city is the brazen confiscation of their wealth by our tyrannical City Council, which has increased our tax-supported debt to an obscene level and raised our taxes as a result.

And so we are witnessing a great exodus from El Paso.

Lord help us.
