Dear Media and Friends,

I just received word from the Texas Historical Commission that their Executive Director has signed off on El Paso County’s nomination of Segundo Barrio to the National Register of Historic Places and that on August 10 the nomination packet was electronically forwarded to the National Park Service for final approval.

According to Title 36, Chapter 1, Part §60.6(r)§60.6(r) of the Code of Federal Regulations, the Keeper of the National Park Service has 45 calendar days to approve the nomination, which means that the final deadline is in Friday, September 24, only 37 days from now.

Currently there is only one building in the entire barrio on the National Register of Historic Places, but soon there will be 686 listed individually or as contributing properties. 

Hundreds of buildings within the new district will be eligible for generous state and federal tax credits for restoration and rehabilitation, and this promises to improve the appearance and quality of life of the neighborhood very significantly.

I am co-chairing the effort, together with Fr. Raphael Garcia, to restore Sacred Heart Church, which will be the first restoration project within the Segundo Barrio to benefit from the tax credits.

This is exciting news for El Paso!
