The attached chart indicates where the leading Oligarchy candidates for City Council stand on six key issues.

Isabel Salcido of District 5 has a perfect record of catering to her elite donors. In addition to the six issues cited in the chart, she supported the Great Wolf Lodge, TIRZ 13, and every single boondoggle project that crossed her desk.

Claudia Rodriguez of District 6 had an excellent record until she voted to raise our property tax on August 24, 2021, and then she went downhill from there. She received the most money from the Hunts, Margos, and Foster of all the candidates: $14,500. Her flip-flop on the arena is the icing on the cake.

Analisa Silverstein of District 1 and Bettina Olivares of District 8, if elected, will vote reliably for all the taxation and deficit spending that the Oligarchy will demand of them.

I am supporting Brian Kennedy of District 1, Richard Genera of District 5, Art Fierro of District 6, and Rich Wright of District 8 because none of the four would have a single green check in any of the boxes in my chart. They are with the people and for the people, not for the elite cabal of developers, bankers, attorneys and corporate executives in the Upper Valley and Coronado.

Election day is tomorrow. You can make a difference.