Dear Friends and Media,

Anthony Jackson of the El Paso Times is reporting that “the proposed Downtown Historic District is not dead, but rather in limbo. The National Park Service on Thursday listed the proposed historic district as ‘owner objection determined eligible,’ which means the district is eligible to be listed, but not enough property owners have consented for it to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.”

According to David Stout, the concerns of the property owners who objected were due to misinformation (deliberately spread by certain individuals).

Jackson interviewed Fred Evans, former President of the El Paso County Historical Society, who stated: “We’re disappointed that there are property owners there who don’t have a civic responsibility that goes beyond their own self-interests in order to preserve El Paso’s past.”

I have no comment at this time.


Max Grossman, PhD 

Board of Directors, Preservation Texas 

Vice-Chair, The Trost Society 

Co-Chair, Restore Sacred Heart Church