Dear Friends,

The El Paso County Historical Commission is seeking new members for the term starting January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2022. Applications will be accepted until November.

Section 318.003(c) of the Local Government Code of Texas states that “Each commission member must have an interest in historic preservation and an understanding of local history and resources.” Experts in history, art and architectural history, archaeology, historic preservation, and planning are especially welcome.

You will remember that some years ago the County Commissioners Court declined to reappoint many longtime members of the County Historical Commission and that one member of the Court sought to have them investigated by the Texas Rangers and prosecuted because of an email that was alleged to be an open meetings violation, which turned out to be bogus. 

This unfortunate occurrence resulted in a great deal of distrust and anger among qualified professionals who might have joined the CHC but have been reluctant to do so out of fear that it has been politicized.

Please note that the official who was behind the “investigation” lost his re-election bid and will no longer be with the County starting January 1, so I want to assure you that it is safe to join the CHC, which performs some very important functions in our community, including establishing historical markers.

The current CHC Chair is Barbara Welch, who has been a very effective leader and is a valuable asset to our community. Now is a great moment to apply because all five members of the County Commissioners Court, which appoints CHC members, are fully committed to the causes of historic preservation and heritage tourism.

The application is attached for your convenience. Once completed, you should send it to the address listed at the bottom of page 2.


Max Grossman, PhD

Board of Directors, Preservation Texas

Vice-Chair, The Trost Society