Rich Wright of El Chuqueño has started a new podcast and his first guests were former Texas Rep. Joe Pickett and me.

We discussed the City’s $30 million slush fund, which was created by City Manager Tommy Gonzalez and the Environmental Services Department by ripping of El Paso taxpayers through arbitrary taxes on our water bills.

Mr. Pickett is suing the City of El Paso and recently won his first victory in the 8th Court of Appeals. The City will need to decide very quickly whether they will petition the Texas Supreme Court or accept their defeat.

The podcast was posted yesterday and you can listen to the discussion starting at the 18-minute mark.

Wright also posted my email below on his blog so as to maintain a permanent record of it.

So far, Sara Sanchez of the Oligarchy Gazette is the only reporter who covered this issue.

Enjoy your day,


PODCAST (starting at minute 18):