Interim City Manager Cary Westin is the best thing to happen to the City administration since the invention of mashed potatoes.
Not only did he and CFO Robert Cortinas prevent a tax increase and the issuance of any new debt this fiscal year, but they are hoping to repeat those achievements for FY 2026!
We recently reported about the resignations of Senior Deputy City Manager Tracey Jerome and Chief Operations Officer Sam Rodriguez.
Well, guess what?
The City just published an updated administrative organization chart indicating that their positions have been eliminated!

In fact, there are now only three Deputy City Managers: CFO Robert Cortinas, Mario d’Agostino, and Dionne Mack.
The City now has the smallest upper administration since Tommy Gonzalez was hired in June 2014.
We applaud Col. (Ret.) Westin for making the municipal government more efficient, reducing General Fund expenditures, and freeing up funds for purposes other than administrative overhead.
In fact, we love Col. Westin and are very sorry that he will not be applying for the permanent City Manager position!
Perhaps he can eliminate one more Deputy City Manager position and knock off a couple of Managing Directors while he’s at it.
Climate Czar Nicole Ferrini and several of her staff would be a great start.