The City of El Paso is distributing the “Inaugural Edition” of a 22-page digital booklet called “Elevating our City,” which I have appended below.

On page 6 you will read that the new City tax rate of 86.3 cents per $100 of valuation is the “lowest tax rate in 35 years.”

That is an outright lie.

The tax rate for the 2019 fiscal year was 84.3 cents, which is two cents lower than the new rate.

Just ask Rep. Isabel Salcido of District 5, who is running for reelection. She voted for three property tax increases, including the one from 84.3 cents to 90.7 cents for FY 2020, the largest property tax increase in City history. See agenda item 28.3 on August 20, 2019.

This propaganda creates the impression that our tax burden has decreased when only the tax rate is lower. With the increase in property valuations, the 86.3-cent rate turns out to be a major tax increase, as Vic Kolenc and Elida S. Perez have reported.

Of course, our Tommy cannot be penalized for lying since the contract provision that prevented him from doing so was later removed.

Since Tommy seems to be fond of our property tax rate, let me remind you that it has increased 38% from the time he assumed office in 2014 to the present day.

If you hate our high property tax, vote for candidates that will fight to lower it!

Brian Kennedy for District 1

Richard Genera for District 5

Art Fierro for District 6

Rich Wright for District 8