Yesterday evening the League of Women Voters hosted a candidates forum for at the State Line Bar-B-Q. Moderator Aaron Montes asked the candidates for City District 8 what they would cut from our bloated City budget if elected.
Page 78 of the City’s 2022 Budget Book indicates the City has assumed $2,134,552,267 in tax-supported debt obligations of which $762,613,542 is debt from certificates of obligation issued without voter authorization.
One by one the candidates gave thoughtful replies.
And then there was Bettina Olivares, who is the Chief Legislative Aide to City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, who voted for six property tax hikes, $504.8 million in certificates of obligation, and every boondoggle project that came across her desk. As far as I can tell, Olivares and Hernandez have identical positions, and Hernandez is cheering for her hard on social media (see attached).
Olivares responded “I would not cut any of our City services” and then went on to lecture the audience on the benefits of unlimited government spending without any compunction for the crushing tax burden suffered by every El Paso property owner.
Please, take a moment and watch her reply if you want to understand what is wrong with our City government.
By contrast, Rich Wright listed the services he would cut, first and foremost the Arena. His campaign mailer (attached) lists “Reckless Spending” as his primary target.
Easy choice.