One month ago I filed an open records request with the City of El Paso as follows: “Please provide me with documentation indicating when and how much 2012 Quality of…
One month ago I filed an open records request with the City of El Paso as follows: “Please provide me with documentation indicating when and how much 2012 Quality of…
Yesterday at a District 2 event I had the opportunity to ask City CFO Robert Cortinas two questions, and you may view the video of our exchange here: 1. Given…
Dear Media and Friends, PlaceEconomics, a Washington-based real estate and economic development-consulting firm with over 30 years experience analyzing the economic impact of historic preservation, will be hosted by the…
“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” –President Gerald Ford, August 12, 1974 Dear Friends,…
Dear Media and Friends, The City of El Paso’s Bond Overview Advisory Committee (BOAC) is charged with monitoring the City’s expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal bonds.…
The media have been focusing like a laser on the merit raises of City Manager Gonzalez and City Attorney Nieman. Now Anthony Jackson of the El Paso Times has published…
City Manager Gonzalez will soon earn a salary of $398,401, which is slightly less than President Biden’s salary of $400,000. Gonzalez probably enjoys similar perks, less the Boeing 747 and…
Yesterday, Aaron Montes of KTSM 9 News reported that City Manager Gonzalez and City Attorney Karla Nieman, the two highest paid City employees, have earned merit raises stemming from their…
Yesterday Anthony Jackson of the El Paso Times published a piece informing El Pasoans that the Latino Heritage Scholars, an initiative of the Hispanic Access Foundation, published a national report…
With Tuesday’s 6-2 vote to publish the City’s intention to issue another $96 million in certificates of obligation without voter approval, Reps. Svarzbein, Hernandez, and Rivera have achieved the impossible.…