
The County agenda for Monday includes item 6, which would allow the Commissioners Court to take action on the proposed Segundo Barrio National Historic District and fix issues that arose during the vote this past Monday.

You will recall that the Court, on a 3-2 vote (with Judge Samaniego and Commissioner Stout dissenting), opted to divide Segundo Barrio between two historic districts. The plan omits Sacred Heart Church and 200 other buildings from the Segundo Barrio Historic District and cannot be allowed to stand as is.

The petition opposing the current plan has reached 1,400 signatures, and dozens of emails have been sent to County leaders and staff.

Please write to the County Commissioners Court and Economic Development if you have an opinion on this matter:;;;;;;


Commissioner Stout of Precinct 2 is writing to supporters of a an alternative plan, calling for establishing a historic district in Segundo Barrio that conforms to its historical borders and that would include Sacred Heart Church and 200 other buildings that the current plan excludes. His email is as follows:

“Thank you so much for writing to express your concern about the Segundo Barrio Historic District and the Downtown Historic District boundary lines. I completely agree that we need to correct this, and I have placed an item on Monday’s Agenda to amend the contract we approved to right this wrong. I know you care about this issue as much as I do and I hope you will call in on Monday, June 22, 2020 to provide public comment on Item 6. Please ask the court to consider amending the contract to adjust the lines to include everything south of Paisano in the Segundo Barrio historic district and to also consider adding the 4 very important additions within Option 3 that was heard and considered on Monday June 15.

Item 6 is first up on the agenda after the Consent Agenda, Invocation, and general Public Comment. I expect the item to be up at about 9:45 am or so.

To participate in public comment for Item 6 please do the following:

1.       Call 888-835-7276 (888-8EL-PASO) on Monday, June 22, 2020 at about 9:00 am

2.      Leave a message with your 1) name, 2) title/organization, and 3) indicate that you would like to provide public comment on Item 6

3.      Tune in to Commissioners Court on YouTube via this link:

4.      You will receive a call back from the clerks/IT at approximately 10 am or so from either a (915), (469), or (439) area code – please answer

5.      When you are connected please introduce yourself to the court and be sure to MUTE your computer/TV if you are watching the YouTube feed

6.      Provide Public Comment and Please ask the court to consider amending the contract to adjust the lines to include everything south of Paisano in the Segundo Barrio historic district and to also consider adding the 4 very important additions within Option 3 that was heard and considered on Monday, June 15.

7.      Thank you!

Here is the link to the agenda as well:

If you should have any questions please feel free to call or email Carlos Martinez on my staff at 915-546-2111 or

I hope to see you on Monday.

Be well,”

David C. Stout

El Paso County Commissioner

Precinct 2

Have a great weekend.

Max Grossman, PhD

Executive Board, Preservation Texas

Vice-Chair, The Trost Society