Yesterday KFOX 14 aired a report on the $200M+ worth of new debt the County is planning to issue, including $100M in certificates of obligation. (see my previous email below)

The City, County and UMC are on track to issue more than $1 billion in new debt over the next two fiscal years, raising the average property tax burden by well over $200/year.

At least the City asked permission from the voters last Tuesday to issue $272,480,000 as a general obligation bond.

On Thursday the County will vote to publish a notice of intent to issue a CO in the amount of $100 million without our permission.

As a homeowner and taxpayer, I am tired of this end-justifies-the means attitude from our elected leaders.

If the County wants to issue $100 million in new debt then I want the opportunity to vote on that!

Please consider writing to the Commissioners Court with your opinion:;;;;

Enjoy your day,
