“I’m not suing for a million dollars for Joe Pickett. I’m suing for all taxpayers in El Paso. I just want some accountability for these fees.”

–Joe Pickett, Former State Representative of Texas District 29

Dear Friends and Media,

Mr. Pickett is suing the City on behalf of the taxpayers of El Paso over the creation of an illegal $30 million slush fund, drawn from our water bills.

Adam Powell of the El Paso Times, a truly excellent investigative reporter, has outdone himself on his latest report: “Pickett’s case against City of El Paso over way it uses water fees moves ahead.”

Powell documents Pickett’s case against the City and lucidly explains all the allegations as well as the current status of the litigation.

He also shows how City Attorney Karla Nieman kept City Council from learning about the lawsuit for several months.

Every El Pasoan who receives a monthly water bill should read Powell’s exceptional report, and so should every journalist from every local media outlet, because this is how you investigate and write a story!

All I can say is that the City owes El Pasoans a very large refund.


Photo credit: Texas Tribune