Reyes Mata III of El Paso Inc and Andrew Polk of KVIA Channel 7 collaborated in their interview of mayoral candidates Brian Kennedy and Cassandra Hernandez, both of whom are City Representatives. It is no exaggeration to conclude that the contrast between Kennedy and Hernandez is one of good versus evil.

Kennedy spent his career in military intelligence and business and is an expert in corporate negotiations. He is now a practicing criminal defense attorney. Hernandez is a career politician who worked for tax-and-spend city reps Steve Ortega and Susie Byrd (later Veronica Escobar’s District Director) before she was hired by the odious Joyce Wilson. She has never held a real job.

Kennedy led the effort to prevent a tax increase for two years in a row. Hernandez voted for six property tax increases while in office.

Kennedy is absolutely against issuing certificates of obligation (non-voter-approved debt) except in the most dire emergencies. Hernandez has voted for hundreds of millions in CO debt and is prepared to issue even more, no matter what the long-term financial consequences.

Kennedy is against the current project to build an arena in our downtown because he understands that the City lied to the voters and that the project would have cost around $500 million. Hernandez still thinks Duranguito should be demolished for an arena, even it means using eminent domain and displacing the poor, because she is morally bankrupt.

Kennedy is against spending taxpayer dollars on capital improvement projects that we cannot afford. Hernandez has voted for every insolvent boondoggle that came across her desk and has stated she wants to go for another QOL bond!

Kennedy chairs the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee and has aggressively gone after corruption and waste. Hernandez lied to the media about being the only one to use her City-issued gas card and was reprimanded by the Ethics Review Commission for abusing her privileges.

Kennedy voted to terminate City Manager Tommy Gonzalez without cause. Hernandez supported Tommy Gonzalez to the very end and bitterly opposed his termination.

Kennedy is motivated by his love for El Paso and a sincere desire to reduce the burden on the taxpayers. Hernandez is motivated by her lust for power and an obsessive desire to spend as much of our money as possible.

Kennedy is a pragmatic fiscal conservative. Hernandez is a tax-and spend liberal, like her mentors.

Kennedy is good. Hernandez is evil.

Any questions?