On August 15, City Representative Isabel Salcido of District 5, who has an abysmal record of tax increases and non-voter-approved debt issuances, announced that she is running for Mayor.

Her chance of winning is about the same as a meteorite crashing into your bowl of Fruit Loops while reading the Wall Street Journal with your morning coffee.

Nevertheless, she is running and her City Council seat is up for grabs on November 5.

We just learned that her Administrative Support Associate, a thirty-something UTEP grad named Ivan Niño, who is paid $70,000 plus benefits but never developed a career outside government, is running to replace her.

We have no doubt that he will embrace the same reckless tax-and-spend policies as Salcido, but at least Salcido has business experience in the real world.

There is absolutely nothing in Ivan Niño’s meager resume that would qualify him to manage a $1.3 billion municipal budget and we are offended by his candidacy.

We hope that a qualified citizen will file to run for the position before the September 4 deadline so the taxpayers of District 5 can finally elect a leader who stands for their interests.