City Rep. Joe Molinar invited Libertarian presidential candidate Chase Oliver to speak at his District 4 community meeting yesterday morning.
Rep. Molinar was the only City leader to meet with Mr. Oliver during his visit to El Paso and to provide him with a public forum.
It was a full house, with standing room only!
We were pleased to hear Mr. Oliver speak about minimizing government and maximizing freedom, core Libertarian principles which may be applied to our local governments here in El Paso.
After his remarks, we asked him a wide range of questions, to which we received highly intelligent replies.
We were especially delighted when Mr. Oliver listed for us all the unconstitutional federal programs he would eliminate if elected.
Fortunately for us, Libertarian Ryan Woodcraft is running for County Precinct 1 and plans to bring sanity and balance to the County budget and to donate the most recent County salary hike to causes that will benefit his constituents, if elected.
Mr. Oliver gladly gave Mr. Woodcraft a strong endorsement.
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Max Grossman (Chief Instigator of the El Paso Taxpayer Revolt), Dave Marino (County Chair of El Paso Libertarian Party), Rep. Joe Molinar of District 4, Chase Oliver (Libertarian candidate for US President), and Ryan Woodcraft for El Paso County Commissioner, Precinct 1.