Lesley Engle and Larry Monarrez of KVIA just published an excellent report on Jeremy Jordan’s petition to divorce City Rep. Cassandra Hernandez, which was mysteriously sealed by Judge Marlene Gonzalez, then unsealed, and then withdrawn by the same Jordan.
As soon as the petition was unsealed, Hernandez immediately and very publicly endorsed Judge Gonzalez’s opponent in the upcoming election.
Hernandez told KVIA that Judge Gonzalez “has demonstrated to my family that her politics are more important than the privacy of her constituents,” presumably because she permitted the divorce petition to become public, as most divorce petitions are.
How petty and vindictive! It’s Machiavellian.
Why did Jordan petition for divorce in the first place, so soon after his wife was named as a defendant in the lawsuit against the City filed by Edmundo Calderon, who is seeking up to $1,000,000 in damages?
And why did Jordan immediately withdraw his divorce petition once it became public?
PHOTO CREDIT: Mark Lambie, El Paso Times, 11/5/2019 (cropped and decolorized)