The El Paso Taxpayer Revolt is proud to endorse Isabel Ceballos for City District 2.

Ms. Ceballos is a fiscal conservative who will be a fierce defender of the taxpayers of El Paso. Her platform focuses on public safety, streets and infrastructure, and holding the line on taxes.

Her campaign webpage includes a special portal titled “PUBLIC DEBT,” where she states her opposition to “the misuse of our taxpayer dollars for projects that go beyond the scope of public safety and our streets.” She goes on, “For years, some members of our city council have pushed for spending tax dollars on frivolous projects that benefit a few in our community.”

We could not agree with her more.

Ceballos makes a point of stating her firm opposition to certificates of obligation, with the exception of real emergencies.


Ms. Ceballos faces progressive incumbent Josh Acevedo, who is more concerned about social justice than he is about the plight of the taxpayers.

Inexplicably, Acevedo voted against returning the question of a downtown arena back to the voters on the November 5 ballot.

He voted against accepting state funding to deal with our ongoing border crisis, angering his colleagues and putting the City in difficulty.

He loudly criticized the process for hiring a new City Manager, falsely claiming there has been a lack of transparency, and then went ahead cast a vote for a finalist anyway, rather than abstaining.

Unlike Ceballos, he does not own property and does not have local business interests and therefore cannot fully appreciate the impact of our rising property tax.

Unlike Ceballos, he has no experience in the private sector and has never held a career outside government.

He touts his brief experience as a school board trustee but has no record of achievement to speak of, and his doctorate in education from UTEP is unrelated to the tasks he faces as a City Representative.


We are very concerned that Acevedo hired the husband of former City Rep. Alexsandra Annello as his Legislative Aide after she endorsed Acevedo and provided him with support for his successful election effort.

You will recall that Annello abandoned her seat in order to run for state office, costing the taxpayers about $600,000 for a special election to replace her.

And now her husband is bringing home a City paycheck, thanks to her personal connection with and support for Josh Acevedo.

We believe this is unethical and deserving of scrutiny from the media.

The bottom line is that we would much rather support a professional with financial acumen and business experience who understands the financial challenges of property owners in El Paso.

Please consider contacting Isabel Ceballos to offer your support!

We invite you to watch our video interview with her: