Of the five candidates running for City District 5 to replace Isabel Salcido, who is a tax-and-spend vendida of the lowest order, Felix Muñoz is the obvious choice.
Raised in El Paso, he graduated from Bowie High School in 1985 and then served in the US Army in an air defense artillery unit for four years. After returning to Fort Bliss, he married his high school sweetheart and joined the Department of Justice with the Federal Bureau of Prisons, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant in 2016. Since that time he opened a photography business and has been active in the fight against ovarian cancer. In his spare time, he is an active biker and lifetime member of the El Paso chapter of Harley Owners Group.
Mr. Muñoz is a fierce fiscal conservative who will fight against tax increases and wasteful spending. In our conversations with him, we found him to be remarkably well informed and on top of the issues. He understands that District 5 cannot afford another Isabel Salcido.
His opponents include Ivan Niño, Salcido’s 33-year-old legislative aide, and Tamara Davis, Gassandra’s campaign treasurer. Need we say more?
Amanda Cunningham and Sean Orr are also running for the seat. Both are fiscally conservative and on point but, in our estimation, need more experience and a better campaign strategy before running for City Council. We like them both and hope they will consider supporting Muñoz if they do not make the expected runoff.
Muñoz should have his campaign website up in the next day or two. In the meantime, you can reach him via email at munozfordistrict5@gmail.com.
We will conduct an interview with him tomorrow and post it on our page.