The El Paso Taxpayer Revolt is proud to endorse Isabel Ceballos for City District 2.

Ms. Ceballos is a fiscal conservative who will be a fierce defender of the taxpayers of El Paso. Her platform focuses on public safety, streets and infrastructure, and holding the line on taxes.

Her campaign webpage includes a special portal titled “PUBLIC DEBT,” where she states her opposition to “the misuse of our taxpayer dollars for projects that go beyond the scope of public safety and our streets.” She goes on, “For years, some members of our city council have pushed for spending tax dollars on frivolous projects that benefit a few in our community.”

We could not agree with her more.

Ceballos makes a point of stating her firm opposition to certificates of obligation, with the exception of real emergencies.

We thoroughly interviewed her and were impressed by her experience and qualifications. We plan to conduct an on-camera interview with her in the next few days that we will be sharing on our digital platforms.

Ms. Ceballos faces progressive incumbent Josh Acevedo, who is more concerned about social justice than he is about the plight of the taxpayers. We are displeased with several of his votes, including his vote against sending the question of the MPC back to the voters, and have grown weary of his gratuitous, rambling speeches.

We would much rather support a professional with financial acumen, business experience, and focus who understands the financial challenges of property owners in El Paso.

Please consider contacting Isabel Ceballos to offer your support!